Adoption Journey

Monday, October 10, 2005

Weekend update

We had a nice quiet weekend, which after my week last week was very nice. Stress at work had me exhausted and in bed by 8 PM everynight last week. Unfortnately I think the trend is going to continue this week too. But that is good, it keeps my mind focused on work, which right now is a REALLY good thing. Besides, if my group can pull off this project by the next Friday it will be a really BIG feather in our team is great and I have the utmost confidence we will get it done. Basically the powers that be in France decided to move a deadline up by 3 weeks and failed to tell us! We have been scrambling to get things ready on our end (which by the way is what prompted the last minute trip to Chicago last week) and I am confident we will be ready on Friday - the deadline!

It was a rainy, yucky weekend but we made the best of it. Saturday we went for corned beef at a local deli / restaurant. It's not quite Katz quality, but its the best thing around; Katz by the way has the BEST corned beef anywhere!!!! After that we went back home and just vegged out. Sunday, i got up, did the dishes and went grocery shopping - before 9 AM!! I vegged out all day watching football followed by my normal Sunday night TV shows...Extreme Homemakeover, Desperate Housewives and Grays Anatomy.

The rain seems to not want to go away! Its still raining...not really raining but that misty stuff that is just enough to be annoying, yet not enough to be rain in the true sense. The kind of rain where there is no perfect winshield wiper setting - even using the intermittent settings!


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