Adoption Journey

Friday, September 23, 2005

Looking forward to a GREAT weekend

The week is almost over and we are looking at the makings of a wonderful weekend. My parents are coming in tonight to spend the weekend with us. Tomorrow Mike and i are treating them to a "Night on the town". They celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year and our gift to them is tickets to Mama Mia and dinner at the 21 Club. So tomorrow is the night! The four of us will invading NYC for the evening of fun! My parents used to take me into the city for on a fairly regular basis to see the sites and many broadway shows. It's one of the traditions we hope to share with our future child in hopes that he will have the some of the same childhood memories.

The last 3 days were extremely LONG, which makes this weekend a very much NEEDED weekend! The seminar I was attending was good, but the days were very long. Add that to a nearly 3 hour trip in and out of the city (door to door) and you have the makings for a very tired me!!!

Although I will not go into detail we did receive some good news yesterday that opens the door for some potential good news in the future. There was a sigh of relief followed by the realization of the good that may come from hearing the news. Had the news not been good it would have basically been a door slamming in our faces. So all is good on that front for now.

As for adoption news. I received an email from D Tuesday stating that the person who signs LOIs is on vacation until October 1. She said the D2 thinks we will be travelling sometime between mid October and early November. Which, prior to her message stating we'd be travelling soon (which was 2 weeks ago), was what I had been thinking would be our approximate travel time anyway. Really, in all honesty, I am pretty unmoved by that email. I am so tired of the emotional rollercoaster that I have decided to get off. I am not giving up on the adoption, I am giving up on hoping that what we are told is actually true. I have taken on the mindset of Mike which is basically D and D2 are both full of sh!t and that I'll believe what they tell me when they provide proof...and by proof I mean the letter of LOI. So on the adoption front I am trying to emotionally remove myself from the process...not easy, but I am trying.

Well I am off to finish the work week...hopefully, if I can figure out how, I will have pictures to post of our night in the city after the weekend!


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